Tuesday 5 January 2016

Brand new Non-Invasive procedure for the UK called ‘Labial puff’ by Desirial

Brand new Non-Invasive procedure for the UK called ‘Desirial’ that reduces wrinkles and sagging of the vagina.

desirial Vaginal Rejuvenation
As women age the appearance of the vagina can go through changes. The area around the vagina can suffer from wrinkling and the folds of the vagina can also alter in appearance. This can cause upset for some women. When their vagina starts to lose its youthful look , it can lead to a complete lack of self confidence in their sexuality. At its worst, it can interfere with sexual activity leading to a resistance to enter into sexual relationships due to a fear of rejection.
Vaginal Wrinkle reduction surgery
Surgical solutions for rejuvenating the vagina include labia reduction surgery, or labiaplasty as it is widely known. However, not all women want to have surgery and are just looking for a way of rejuvenating the look of the genital area to capture that self confidence one again. In these cases, Desirial could help do just that.

How Does Desirial Labial Puff Work ?

Desirial is a hyaluronic acid, a treatment used widely in removing facial lines and wrinkles. The difference is that Desirial has been specially formulated for improving the appearance of the area around the vagina.

About the Labial Puff Procedure ?

The treatment involves injections of Desirial with a very fine needle. As the hyaluronic acid is introduced the wrinkling is removed immediately.  You will notice not only a reduction in the wrinkling in the area, but also a firmness and more voluminous look.

At Moorgate Aesthetics we have specially trained Doctors to perform this treatment.

To maintain this youthful look you will need top up treatments. These are easy to arrange and remember that no-one will know about your treatment, just you and your Moorgate Aesthetics Lady Doctor.
If you would like to find out more about Desirial vaginal rejuvenation then give us a call 03300 244 858 or simply fill out our enquiry form and we will arrange a free consultation for you with pleasure.
We have consultation centres nationwide so there is bound to be a centre near to you.

Friday 10 October 2014

A Face-Lift Without The Scalpel? Yes Please!

We’re used to seeing reports in the media about celebrities going under the knife for bigger boobs, nicer noses and less wrinkles. Some of those face-lifts are great – some not so great.

We’re not as used to hearing about the alternatives to undergoing expensive cosmetic surgery.
Here at Mills Medical Services we provide a range of facial rejuvenation procedures – we offer non-surgical nose reshaping, mesotherapy injections to reduce signs of aging, and also deep tissue fillers to replace lost facial volume. 

The best way to identify the treatment you’re going to undergo is to start with a consultation. We offer consultations where our practitioners will discuss with you the holistic approach that we take on every single patient we cater for. The training our practitioners have undergone ensures that you receive the best advice and the highest level of treatment. We’re at the forefront of technology and we’re constantly adopting more efficient and effective methods of treating our clients. 

A non-surgical face-lift brings with it many different benefits 
- including increased confidence and self esteem, as you feel better being in your own skin. Firmer, fresher looking skin can be another benefit – depending on the treatment that you opt for, along with the disappearance of wrinkles. Our face-lifts can last for several years, depending on the course of treatment that you choose to undergo. 

Next time you read a report about your favourite celebrity going under the knife, just remember that there’s an alternative way to reshape your nose, or even reduce the signs of aging on your skin!
Call or Contact us without delay in order to talk to us about the facial rejuvenation services that our practitioners provide. 

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Are Non-Surgical Treatments in the UK The New Norm?

It is almost impossible to turn a page in a magazine, or browse the web for showbiz gossip, without coming face to face with seemingly flawless looking celebrities.

We battle with thoughts of Photoshopped images and daydream about unlimited money and what we would improve about ourselves. Unfortunately, life can’t always be Photoshopped - and having the money for cosmetic surgery is great, but we still have to face the pain and recuperation period.

Luckily for Mills Medical Services, there has been an increase in the number of professional accredited clinics and beauty services now offering non-surgical procedures. 
Top on a lot of our lists would be a Hollywood smile. Who doesn’t want a perfect set of teeth? The cost of veneers or replacement teeth can be more excruciating than the pain of the service itself. It’s fantastic that there are now cosmetic dentistry whitening services - as well as the latest in Invisalign straightening - for a smile to rival the likes of George Clooney and Cheryl Cole.

If you feel your facial features have become less youthful - or like Madonna you are the “wrong” side of 50 and looking for the benefits of a facelifts minus the traditional “under the knife” procedures, indulge into the variety of non-surgical facial rejuvenation services now on offer. Whether it is non-surgical nose reshaping or a holistic combination of treatments to plump the skin, the treatments on offer are endless.  

Over the last few years liposuction has not been in the press as much as it has previously. The likes of Katie Price have openly admitted to indulging in the sculpting and fat reducing service to speed up the fat loss process. The thought of liposuction does not please us all and luckily a new treatment has burst onto the market: Aqualyx Fat Busting injections target stubborn areas such as chin, stomach and arms. If you have been following the latest celebrity fitness craze workouts of Lucy Mecklenburgh and Kim Kardashian, yet struggle to change your problem areas this non-surgical treatment could help you achieve that A-List confidence in your body image. 

Most frequently in the celebrity media there has been a lot of talk over one area of celebrity appearance - and that is hair, or more specifically the speculation over hair transplants. The rate with which celebrities are confidently admitting to undergoing hair transplants is fantastic! The likes of Louis Walsh and Hollywood Legend Brad Dourif are just two who’ve admitted to having the treatment. There are numerous quality hair transplant services out there, including Dermaheal HL treatments to slow down hair loss and encourage regrowth, for those who seek to become equally as confident with their appearance. 

As celebrities become more open about the cosmetic procedures they have undergone, we are becoming more curious about how we can change our appearance without the Hollywood price tag.

Just like the endless supply of anti-ageing, cellulite reducing beauty lotions and potions on the market, there are also a large number of professional and safe non-surgical treatments to help you achieve the confidence and appearance you seek

Friday 22 August 2014

Fighting Fat With Aqualyx Injections

Sometimes it’s hard to shift areas of fat. No matter how hard you work out or how well you eat, you just cannot shift those problem spots! In the past, treatments like liposuction have been one of the only options available to individuals determined to shift this fat at any cost. The problem with liposuction is that it tends to be fairly invasive – not to mention expensive! Not so long ago, Aqualyx injections were first offered to patients – an innovative new treatment that breaks down fat in your body, and allows you to pass it out of the body by urinating. Compared to liposuction it’s pain free, and a lot cheaper.

The complicated stuff 

We don’t want to blind you with biology or confuse you with science, so we’ll explain how the treatment works in simple terms. The patient will be injected with a water solution – this solution is only injected around problem areas on the patient’s body. The solution sets to work in breaking down the fat, which is liquefied then passed out through your urine. The injection tends to be effective for up to three weeks after it has been administered. 

Typically, patients will need to undergo more than one injection in order to see the very best results. During your initial consultation with one of our doctors, we will advise you as to the number of injections you’re likely to need in order to see the greatest results for the spot of fat that you’re targeting. 

Some of the most common areas for this treatment to be administered are on hips, thighs, buttocks and also the stomach. The treatment sees the very best results when used on smaller pockets of fats. Other areas that our patients target with Aqualyx include: Love handles, arms, chin, knees, ankles, back and chest.

Is Aqualyx right for you?

Before undergoing the Aqualyx treatment, patients must undergo a full consultation to ensure that this is the right treatment for them – and to ensure that it will be safe to proceed with the Aqualyx injections. Aqualyx can only be administered by a doctor or surgeon, who has undergone extensive training in using Aqualyx. This is to ensure the safety of every single patient who chooses this course of treatment in order to lose body fat. 

Although only trained doctors can administer Aqualyx, you’ll be pleased to know that extensive surgery is not required. Instead, nothing more intrusive than an injection forms the treatment plan for Aqualyx. You don’t need to worry about painful operations, or even unsightly scars, Aqualyx is discreet. 

For more information about fighting fat with the Aqualyx injections that we provide, please contact Mill Medical Services now by telephone on 01302 246 130 or use our contact form – we’ll be glad to assist you further in any way that we can! 

Tuesday 24 June 2014

PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma treatment Clinic – Skin Wrinkle – Healing

Moorgate Aesthetics introduces their latest procedure – Non Surgical, Non Invasive Platelet Rich Plasma or sometimes called ‘Vampire Filler’


PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma – Skin Wrinkle Treatment

PRP, platelet rich plasma treatment has becoming very popular in recent years. This is perhaps because the basis of the treatment is that your own tissue is used to generate the improvements that you wish to make. No risks of rejection or allergies are what excites Patients and we can see the popularity of this treatment growing even more in the coming years. Another benefit of platelet rich plasma treatment is that the results continue to improve over time

Tell me more about Platelet rich plasma treatment.

Platelet rich plasma treatment uses your own blood to improve tissue health, hence why some people call it the ‘vampire filler‘. The blood is spun in a machine called a centrifuge prior to re-injecting it back into your tissues,. Platelets are responsible for the clotting process of your blood. They also help in the healing process of tissues. They do this by stimulating the presence of stem cells to repair damaged tissue. It is these stem cells that can improve the quality of your skin so that it looks younger and refreshed.
Platelet rich plasma treatments are performed widely in other medical applications. These include the treatment of arthritis.
Many famous athletes — Tiger Woods, tennis star Rafael Nadal, and several others havereceived PRP for various problems, such as sprained knees and chronic tendon injuries to reduce the healing time.  Some athletes have credited PRP with their being able to return more quickly to competition.
In recent times, platelet rich therapy has become very popular in aesthetic medicine. The latest buzz in aesthetic medicine is stem cell therapy. These are widely thought to be the future of aesthetic medicine. Improvements in areas such as the face, neck and jawline are possible with PRP, upper lip lines can be improved too. It is also used for treating hair loss in men and women.

Which facial and body areas can be treated ?

• Crinkling skin around the eyes
• Cheeks and mid face
• Neck
• Jawline
• Chest and décollétage
• Back of hands and arms
• Other body areas
• Stimulate hair growth on scalp.

Frequently asked questions FAQ’s about PRP

Can It work for me ?

A consultation with our Aesthetic Doctor will give you the opportunity to see what platelet rich plasma can do for you. Maybe you are currently being treated with other cosmetic treatments such as hyadauronic acid and you are looking for a more natural and effective solution to improve your appearance. Perhaps you are losing your hair and don’t want hair transplants or drug therapy.

How Is It Done ?

The Doctor starts by taking a small amount of blood from your arm. This is the same as when you have a routine blood test at your family Doctor. This blood is then placed in a centrifuge which spins the blood at a very fast speed.
When this process has completed we are left with platelet rich plasma. This is then drawn off into a syringe and mixed with a solution ready for injection. It is then placed by injection into the areas where we want the improvement.
In most cases three sessions are required to deliver the optimum level of treatment. At your consultation the Doctor will advise you as to how many treatments are required and when they should be carried out. In some cases one treatment may be all that is required.

Tell me about the results.

You need to be a little patient because these results can take time to take effect. It is perfectly possible to see results early on, even in a matter of a week , but you must allow three to six months to gauge the results objectively.

Does the treatment last in terms of results ?

You should expect around two years of improvement in most cosmetic indications. Most patients tend to book in for top up treatments around this time to maintain the progress made.
To arrange your consultation for Platelet Rich Plasma either give us a call 01302 246 136 or why not complete our contact form and we will be in touch with you directly for a chat